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Sunday, December 26, 2010


Today, while driving in my car (which is secretly a transformer), as I was listening to the Transformers Score (yes, I'm obsessed, and sorry for so many parenthesis within this one long sentence, which I'll go ahead and apologize for here), I felt like I was someone like Sam Witwicky. =)

So, people keep on looking at my blog! I'm excited, but I wish I had more subscribers! It would be so cool to get a wide audience, especially since I'm going to publish my book here within the next few months and I need a fan base! Invite people to my blog! Get excited about my book! Make it a best-seller (haha)!

I decided to pretend I was a photographer and go outside with my camera and be creative. I got some good shots!

So, anyways, my family is finally celebrating Christmas tomorrow now that we have everyone gathered here! I'm excited, especially for helping make the Christmas dinner! Yum!=)

I probably ought to go now and write or something, so I'll relieve your eyes from my typing. I hope you had a great Christmas, and get excited for the incoming New Year! Oh goodness 2010 went by TOO fast!!!!!

Oh, before I go, I have a confession: the transformer I'm scared of? Starscream. His name scares me. His looks scare me. Everything about him scares me, honestly. and my friends make fun of me for being scared of him. =(

Starscream (rotf) Pictures, Images and Photos

Secretly amazing photographer,


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